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📈 In-Game Token Markets

R.Land's In-Game Token Markets are dynamic player-driven pools, which can be used to exchange In-Game Tokens like Experience Points and Actions for BIT-Tokens, or vice versa.

Buy/Sell Rates​

Buy and Sell rates adjust dynamically based on demand and supply of each token. However, to keep exchange rates from diverging to far from the intended price range, our system regularly adjusts the price for some tokens to the intended target rates.


In the future all In-Game Tokens Markets will be fully player-driven.

Actions Fee (Currently not enabled!)​

Interacting with the In-Game Token Markets requires a certain amount of Actions depending on the amount of tokens you want to exchange:


Each In-Game Token Market transaction also includes a 3% pool fee.


Actions Fees are subject to change based on the voting of Owner Shards holders!