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📊 Tokenomics


As of today, the tokenomics of R.Land are still in development and only partly implemented. However, our goal is to create a lasting and sustainable economy using a comprehensive tokenomics model with distinctive and unique mechanics.

Sneak Peak: R.Land's Tokenomics-Vision


The R.Land project is always committed to maintain a stable and lasting economy by implementing mechanics that limit token inflation and preserve asset values. For example, the supply of BIT-Tokens (in particular through the mining of Resources) is already limited by the available supply of Lands and Tools as well as the constantly decreasing amount of available Boosters.

Therefore, there might be additional measures taken in the future to adjust the supply of specific tokens or assets in order to maintain an overall healthy ecosystem.


We offer multiple incentives for players to add liquidity to the projects BIT/WAX Pool on Defibox, such as Defibox Liquidity Mining and Daily Actions Pack Discounts.