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🗞 R.Land Whitepaper

Welcome to the World of R.Land!

Welcome to R.Land!​

Hello dear visitor, my name is Dr. Baby Girl and I am very excited to meet you!

You arrived at just the right time! Join me and all the other animals on our quest to build a new civilization for all of us. Starting with limited resources, our goal is to one day rebuild our once glorious empire. To achieve this, we need your help! Want to know how?

"Great to see you, visitor!
Welcome to R.Land,
Woof Woof!"
Dr. Baby Girl
- R.Land's Lead Scientist

Let me guide you on a journey through everything you need to know about R.Land!


Visit Dr. Baby Girl on Instagram!


Want to know what our players think about R.Land before diving into the Whitepaper? Head over to R.Land Player Stories and find out.


All information within this document about not yet implemented mechanics, assets or events represents only conceptualized outlines of future development goals for the R.Land game. This document is provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute any binding commitment. Please do not rely on this information in making purchasing decisions because ultimately, the development, release, and timing of any products, features or functionality remains at the sole discretion of the company, and is subject to change. This document may be amended at any time. There are no obligations to update the game's design or to provide players with access to any information beyond what is provided herein.